The business and economic relations between the US and Germany show a level of uncertainty regarding future trade relations between the two countries.
The business and economic relations between the US and Germany show a level of uncertainty regarding future trade relations between the two countries.
An extensige guide by Universal Hires’ immigration experts on how to apply and obtain a work visa and working permit in Germany.
Digitization is challenging German companies to fill more than 100,000 tech specialists within the next years, a study by Bitcom cerently revealed.
The GmbH (LLC in Germany) it is the most popular entity form. Learn more about: Setup & registration procedure, required capital investment, liability, etc.
The German economy is growing. But do taxes support it, or are they slowing it down? Some factors make Germany competitive worldwide.
What you need to know about termination of an employee in Germany: regulations, your rights, notice period, termination of contract, and severance pay.
In times of severe shortage of talented specialists and executives, a Headhunter in Germany delivers to find and attract top managers.
When recruiting executives in Germany, finding the matching candidates to handle your company’s in-country operations is key to success.
Having employees in Germany costs more than just wages or salaries. About 21 percent of gross wages are non-wage labour costs (labor burden) in Germany.
Companies lack capabilities within their HR departments to engage in the time-consuming recruiting of qualified staff in Germany. Read more.
Universal Hires is Germany’s leading staffing provider. With expertise in recruitment and employer of record services, the company levarges its market entry support.
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