US$ 400 / employee / month. That’s it!
Local employment contract and mandatory remittances
Hire and onboard staff within just days
When doing business in China, companies tend to choose between seeting up a Representative Office (RO), a Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE) oor a Joint Venture (JV). In case a company is only required to employ local staff without any invoicing activities in Mainland, there is no necessity to incorporate an entity:
The local employment administration will be handleded solely by Universal Hires, as the Employer of Record in China, on our foreign client’s behalf:
Having a local presence in Mainland China can be a key market advantage when scaling global business operations.
No, there is no minimum commitment period. The service agreement signed with Universal Hires can actually be terminated at any point of time respecting the 60 days’ notice period. This period allows us to coordinate a compliant termination procedure with the employee’s approval. There are no termination charges applied by Universal Hires.